In what was seen by many observers as a throwback to evil ideas from Germany’s National Socialist (Nazi) days, German authorities helped publish a pamphlet advocating the re-education of children whose parents disagree with the regime’s official (and totally insane) ideology. Among the ideas that are verboten: opposition to “gender theory,” the “sexualization” of children, and mass immigration. So-called education must help combat “right-wing populism,” the document added.
Critics blasted the document’s instructions for using the language of children to detect thought crimes by parents. According to the brochure, parts of which were translated into English for an article by, parents with attitudes the state deems unacceptable can be sniffed out. In particular, they can be detected through the use of “seemingly harmless words which stem, however, from the jargon of the New (or Old) Right and which imply a deeply misanthropic attitude.”
The Orwellian propaganda also gives examples of warning signs that children may come from a “racist” or “right-wing” family. One involves a brother and sister who seem “especially obedient” and have no “so-called disciplinary problems.” The siblings in question also display “traditional gender roles,” with the sister wearing “dresses and braids” and learning “needlework” at home while the boy “is physically being strongly challenged and drilled.”
Another example involves a mother coming to school to complain that her son was dressed up as a girl and had his finger nails painted at school the previous day. The mother “declares that this has a bad influence upon her child; children should not be further confused; boys are boys, girls are girls.” Such attitudes are not allowed in today’s totalitarian Germany, it seems.
According to the document, “gender-stereotype parenting styles limit the manifold possibilities of children and [adversely] affect their development.” In other words, treating a daughter as a daughter and a son as a son is now considered harmful to children by the extremist regime ruling Germany. Another issue raised in the document is when parents complain about the “premature sexualization” of their children.
To deal with such situations, the document calls on the school brainwash the children with “diversity” propaganda and “children’s rights” ideology, holding that children have a right to be whatever gender they please. The teachers are also expected to “explain that gender diversity and tolerance are welcomed at the pre-school” and that children must be encouraged to “experiment with themselves.” The teachers are also supposed indoctrinate them with far-left political views.
The controversial brochure, which was funded by the German Ministry of Family Affairs and published by a tax-funded foundation, includes a lengthy forward by Family Affairs Minster Dr. Franziska Giffey. The dangerous left-wing extremist claims that children must be trained in a “democratic manner” and that education must be steered toward “children’s rights,” which is code from trampling on parental rights. Giffey also lashes out at the “significant increase of right-wing populist movements,” suggesting the regime’s indoctrination centers will be used shift the political system in a more totalitarian direction.
The tax-funded “foundation” that published the tax-funded brochure, known as the Amadeu Antonio Foundation, is led by a confessed spy for the barbaric Stasi, the infamous “intelligence” agency of the murderous communist regime that enslaved and terrorized East Germany. And so, more than a few critics highlighted the resemblance and parallels between the totalitarian ideology in the brochure and the the totalitarian ideology of the communist and National Socialist regimes in Germany.
Unfortunately, the disgusting hatred of families, faith, and freedom exhibited in the brochure is simply a local manifestation of a global movement — a totalitarian movement that has thoroughly infiltrated American education, too. But unlike in Germany, where Adolf Hitler’s ban on home education remains in place, American parents still have options. Now would be the time to exercise those options, before it is too late.