Buddhist indoctrination and meditation techniques are being forced on government-school children across America under the harmless-sounding term “mindfulness,” sparking a growing wave of opposition and legal challenges. Critics said imposing it in public education is not just wrong, but illegal as well. Children as young as 5 are being ordered to participate.
While the controversial program claims to be a “secularized” version of Buddhist practices that have traditionally been viewed as occult and dangerous by Christians, critics are nevertheless sounding the alarm. And despite claims of being “secular,” it does not take much digging beneath the surface to detect the obvious anti-Christian nature of the “mindfulness education” schemes.
In America, the ideas were pioneered by Jon Kabat-Zinn, who established a “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in the late 1970s. Since then, “mindfulness” educators boast of reaching hundreds of thousands of American school children. Millions in taxpayer funding from local, state, and even federal governments have been spent on “mindfulness” education, too.
But the religious and spiritual overtones are hard to ignore. In a video on “Mindfulness in Education” by expert Amy Burke, the very first quote comes from an Indian guru and so-called “World Teacher” by the name of “Jiddu Krishnamurti,” from his book “Education and the Significance of Life.” The decision to quote this particular character guru offers significant insight into what this is all about.
This guru, who was adopted and trained by the head of a Luciferian cult known as the “Theosophical Society,” was blunt about his pagan agenda. “You want to have your own gods – new gods instead of the old, new religions instead of the old, new forms instead of the old – all equally valueless, all barriers, all limitations, all crutches,” Krishnamurti explained.
“Instead of old spiritual distinctions you have new spiritual distinctions; instead of the old worships you have new worships,” the guru said. “You are all depending for your spirituality on someone else, for your happiness on someone else, for enlightenment on someone else; … you must put them all away and look within yourselves for the enlightenment, for the glory, for the purification, and for the incorruptibility of the self.”
Burke, a “mindfulness” advocate and educator, also promoted the idea that children must be taught to listen to their “heart.” But for Christians, that is more than a little problematic. In Jeremiah 17:9, the Bible warns that the heart is “deceitful above all things” and “desperately wicked.” In the New Testament, Mark 7:21 warns that “out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders.”
But Burke insists it is needed. “The fact is that listening to our heart … is the key to living a fulfilled life,” she claimed, completely disregarding the biblical view on the issue. “It’s what helps, makes us, more authentically ourselves. And it’s hard to do. But mindfulness is a practical tool that can help students cultivate this inner understanding.”
Alarmed by all this occult indoctrination at odds with Christianity, a coalition of teachers and students is working with the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) to fight a legal battle against it. According to the group, government schools are not allowed to mandate participation in these “mindfulness” curricula without violating the law.
The ACLJ noted that Buddhist principles are “clearly” embedded in the mindfulness programs being imposed on school children — principles such as the “observance of all thoughts and feelings without judgment; the belief that life is cyclical and humans are inherently good; and the idea that we are magnificent and all happiness can be achieved through self-discovery and self-reliance.”
Critics lashed out. “Whatever happened to the separation of church and state that liberals scream about when the mere mention of God is made in schools?” wondered author and commentator Dr. Ileana Johnson. “Why are we allowing Far East mystical practices to come into our public schools under the guise of stress management? Why are our children being constantly experimented on by the latest fad pushed by liberals/progressives who view the classroom and our children’s minds and future as their laboratory?”
Another prominent critic, education researcher Debbie DeGroff, exposed the “mindfulness” program in 2014. “These practices are harmful to our children,” she warned. “What other programs, curriculums, and practices are you unaware of?… The time is now to get your children out of these government experimental laboratories.”

As The Newman Report has documented for years, it seems every religion in the world is not only welcomed in American government schools, but encouraged with tax money — every religion, that is, except Christianity, the foundation upon which America and Western civilization were built. Unless Americans put an end to this tax-funded anti-Christian indoctrination of children, it will eventually put an end to America.