Government schools in South Carolina will peddle homosexuality and gender confusion to young children under the guise of teaching about “Black History Month,” sparking outrage among parents, taxpayers, and black leaders.
The scandal emerged when an email to teachers by Spartanburg School District 7 “Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer” (yes, that is a real position apparently) Carlotta Redish reached the public. In the correspondence, Redish casually sneaks in “LGBTQ+ pioneers” amid civil-rights issues.
“Please peruse the attachments, which provide an array of lesson plans, activities, and general information to enhance the commemoration of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, Black History Month, National Mentoring Month, and unsung LGBTQ+ pioneers,” Redish said in the email.
A website set up by critics of the scheme,, includes some of the propaganda materials sent out to teachers for classroom use. One controversial PowerPoint presentation focuses entirely on homosexual activists and their “pride” marches. Another details the “intersectionality” of a multi-racial homosexual “gender fluid” feminist activist.
The group of concerned parents also set up a petition asking the district not to peddle LGBT propaganda in the classroom, saying those topics are not appropriate for schools. Among other demands, the signatories are urging “education officials” to cut it out “immediately.”
“We are not okay with Spartanburg School District 7 implementing LGBTQ+ curriculum in our schools and its recent attempt to append that curriculum with Black History Month,” explains the petition, asking officials to acknowledge the mistake and apologize.
“These topics are best addressed by parents in the home, and are not appropriate for or comfortable for teachers to address in the classroom,” the document added. “We simply do not believe the school system is an appropriate place to teach our children about LGBTQ+ topics.”
A list of 7 requests asks local education officials not to teach or distribute LGBT propaganda in “health,” “Black History,” or any other academic subject. The petition also pushes for a formal policy that would prevent such schemes in the future.
The parents who launched the local movement, who have three children in or set to attend District 7 schools, echoed a common theme across more conservative regions of the country: Shock and horror that the LGBT agenda was infiltrating schools even in their communities. However, as The Newman Report has documented extensively, it is now ubiquitous nationwide.
“Like most of you, never in my craziest imaginations believe it would come to our school district,” the concerned parents said in a note announcing the effort to stop the plan. “But it’s here, and to add insult to injury — they are trying to hide it under the guise of Black History Month.”
Countless black Americans have expressed fury and outrage that powerful elites would seek to marry their historic struggles with LGBT advocacy. Indeed, a coalition of prominent black Americans featured in the upcoming film Buck Breaking argue that it is part of a white supremacist plot to destroy black families and reduce the population of blacks.
The LGBT madness is not just in “health” and “Black History Month.” Increasingly, it saturates the entire curriculum, with homosexuality and gender-confusion permeating the “education” experience. Meanwhile, the government’s own data prove the overwhelming majority of children are not even proficient in core subjects.
It is past time for parents, taxpayers, and communities to put a stop to this dangerous indoctrination by protecting children from government indoctrination masquerading as “education.” The alternative is disaster.