
      Oregon Drops Math & English Requirements To Graduate

      Supposedly to help darker-skinned students, victims of government schools in Oregon will not have to show proficiency in mathematics, reading, or writing in order to graduate from high-school for the next five years. Yes, seriously.

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      Arguing that racial and ethnic minorities would benefit by not needing to know the core subjects as even more dumbed-down standards are created, far-left Governor Kate Brown made the outrageously racist argument that only European-descent students could properly handle the requirements. Critics called it the “bigotry of low expectations.”  

      In a statement released by her office, Brown said that “suspending the reading, writing and math proficiency requirements … will benefit Oregon’s Black, Latino, Latina, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, Pacific Islander, Tribal, and students of color.”

      “Leaders from those communities have advocated time and again for equitable graduation standards, along with expanded learning opportunities and supports,” said Charles Boyle, deputy communications director for the leftist activist occupying the governor’s mansion.

      It was not immediately clear whether students would be still required to demonstrate unwavering belief in the man-made global-warming hypothesis, gender ideology and notions of a gender “spectrum,” Critical Race Theory, and other controversial teachings. But academics are out.  

      The existing graduation requirements were already extremely lax. There were five different tests offered that students could choose from. And for those students who could not do the tests, they could do an “in-depth classroom project judged by their own teachers” to prove they could read and write at a basic level.  

      Now, there is nothing — “everybody gets a trophy” has become “everybody gets a high-school diploma” proving they can do absolutely nothing. No word yet on what employers in the state might think about hiring individuals with one of these so-called “diplomas.”  

      Supposedly, by 2027, the state of Oregon will impose some sort of new graduation requirements that will reportedly be easier for non-European-descent children to satisfy. However, no details were offered about what those might look like.

      Despite the statement put out by her office, it is clear that the extremist governor — widely ridiculed as a racist and a “left-wing moonbat” by critics — did not want to talk about the measure. In fact, she signed the bill quietly and repeatedly refused to comment on it publicly through a spokesman.  

      The news comes just months after the San Diego School District in California voted to abolish grades, which the outfit portrayed as racist. Citing a report highlighting the ramblings of Communist Party USA bigwig Angela Davis, the school board concluded that grading students upheld “systemic racism.”

      While the measure in Oregon was painted as a way to help ethnic minorities graduate, there may be a simpler explanation. Data from the U.S. Department of Education’s National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) has consistently shown that less than one third of government-school students are proficient in any core subject.  

      In short, government indoctrination centers identifying as “schools” were already graduating millions of students each year who are not proficient in math, reading, or writing. In Oregon, it appears that policymakers simply legalized what was already taking place.

      The misguided and extremely naïve fiction that government schools have been teaching children how to read, write, and do math is quickly evaporating in plain sight. Parents who want their children to receive anything even remotely resembling an actual education now have no option but to remove their children from the public “education” system immediately.

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