
      New “All-Gender” Locker Rooms Coming To California Schools

      Instead of traditional male and female locker rooms, victims of government indoctrination centers in Long Beach, California, will soon be forced to use an “all-gender” locker room.

      The controversial plans for the new “aquatic center” at Winston High School parked outrage and ridicule from parents in the district and beyond concerned about the safety and well-being of their children.

      But instead of bowing to public pressure, “education” officials intend to replicate the scheme at five other schools where pools are being planned, according to media reports.

      In Chicago Public Schools, meanwhile, bathrooms will soon be labelled “Boys+” and “Girls+” to make them more “inclusive,” officials said, citing “federal guidance.” Under the plan, students may use whatever restroom or facilities they “feel comfortable” in.

      Signs shown in a propaganda video include an image of a male, a female, and stick figure that is half male and half female.Watchvideo:“Let’s say a (transgender) boy wants to use a boy’s bathroom, but maybe adults in the building see them as a girl physically, right? Sometimes those students get blocked from using a bathroom that affirms them because of transphobia, because of prejudice,” explained Booker Marshall, the “LGBTQ+ and sexual health program manager” in the district’s Office of Student Health and Wellness.

      “What this signage does is makes it really explicit for our young people that they know that they can use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity,” Marshall added.

      After years of brainwashing, surveys of students in the district found that now about one fourth of children in Chicago’s government indoctrination centers identify as “LGBTQ.” Similar surges are occurring nationwide, including in conservative states, as Hollywood and schools peddle LGBTQ propaganda.

      In California, officials are also painting the bizarre move to end sex-segregated facilities as being about “inclusivity.”

      “The school district’s decision to include plans for inclusive facilities aligns with our equity and inclusivity values, while also taking into consideration a student-driven campaign that called for equitable access to school facilities for all students,” district spokesman Chris Eftychiou said in a statement.

      “Student safety and privacy, as well as staff supervision were diligently considered in Wilson [High School’s] inclusive locker room design,” he added. “The locker room can be accessed by staff of any gender, providing Wilson an increased ability to monitor students.”

      Indeed, according to a “Frequently Asked Questions” page put out by the district, all future construction for its schools will contain “gender-inclusive facilities.”

      Meanwhile, in Bakersfield, California, government school officials are creating “new private changing areas” in locker rooms because “transgender” boys who claim to be girls are now wantonly marauding through female facilities.  

      Similar madness is even hitting the heartland. In Missouri, for instance, a jury just awarded a girl confused about her gender $4 million because her school district refused to allow her to shower, change, and use the bathroom with boys.  

      Just a few years ago, LGBT activists slammed the notion that men would be changing, showering, and relieving themselves with your daughter in “all-gender” facilities. Now, it’s coming to pass.

      At this point, the maniacs running these indoctrination centers are practically daring parents to pull their children out. It’s way past time.  

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