Think about this: the same people who kept telling us to “trust the science” over the last few years cannot even define what a woman is. Let that sink in!
But let’s also be honest. It’s not that they cannot define “woman,” the fact is they refuse to do so because they have rejected the existence of God, the biblical account of His creating humankind male and female, and God’s definition of marriage and family.
This is how low and how far liberal Democrats and the American left have plummeted from truth, reality, and yes, even science!
The sad reality of the circus that has become the modern Supreme Court nomination process is that Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will likely be the newest member of the U.S. Supreme Court. The warped, woke Democrats sure have lowered the bar this time. Managing Editor of InsideSources, Michael Graham writes
“The problem isn’t that Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson isn’t smart enough to answer the “what is a woman” question. The problem is that, in the current progressive-dominated Democratic Party, she’s not allowed to.”
If you’re a Bible-believing Christian, you understand we are dealing with demonic agendas and ideologies that are unprecedented for this country though they are quite common in world history. Jesus is Lord, the Word made flesh, the Messiah and soon-returning King of Kings who once said that “all authority in heaven and on earth” was given to Him. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said explicitly,
“The one who is not with Me is against Me; and the one who does not gather with Me scatters.” Matthew 12:30
You cannot be neutral about Jesus.
If a person denies or rejects the fact God sent Jesus to give His life as a ransom for many, that person is not of God (1 John 4:2-3). And since faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of the biblical worldview, we can know those who do not believe or follow His teachings.
What teachings? The Bible has much to say about human sexuality, consequences of sin and the approval of evil, the value of every single human life including those in mother’s wombs, proper views on money, warnings about pride, greed and envy, protecting the most vulnerable, and about showing favoritism.
There is also, however, according to Scripture, only one race: human. Biden’s Supreme Court nominee is a proponent of Critical Race Theory though she has denied as much. Brown Jackson has been a board of trustees member at Georgetown Day School since 2019 and a member of that community for about a decade. According to Breitbart News, Brown Jackson is involved in an anti-racist agreement that all parents of children at Georgetown Day School (GDS) must sign for enrollment.
During her confirmation hearings, Senator Ted Cruz exposed her alleged ignorance about racial division being promoted on her watch. He admitted his confusion by her answer because he pulled out a stack of books by radical authors and presented the evidence during one session.
Busted! But it won’t matter. Why? Because Judge Jackson was selected for three main reasons: she’s black, she’s a woman, and she’s a party-supporting leftist.
Next, it must be noted the White House tried to hide Ketanji Brown Jackson’s light sentences for child pornographers and sexual predators.
As another Senator pointed out, Democrats covered it up, hiding as much as possible about her background from the public knowing she gives lenient sentences to criminals. Senator Josh Hawley stated:
“This is a disturbing record for any judge, but especially one nominated to the highest court in the land;” …Protecting the most vulnerable shouldn’t be up for debate. Sending child predators to jail shouldn’t be controversial.”
Most of us agree.
From what I’ve heard and read, the Democrat Party used to be the party of the average American worker, but today they seem to be an agenda-driven mob defined by identity politics, allowing lawlessness, defunding the police, and injecting social justice and moral relativism into government schools and culture.
So should Judge Jackson have been nominated primarily because of her color? Or because she’s female – which ironically is a biological conclusion? A recent poll reveals that only 23 percent of Americans agreed with Joe Biden when he pledged allegiance to racism and promised to exclude all candidates for the Supreme Court except black women. The results show 76 percent of all voters wanted Biden to consider all possible qualified nominees.
And since this was an ABC News poll, the lack of support may be higher. Amazingly, they even mentioned it in a report.
What a mess.
This is all bad news for the direction of our country. Don’t be foolish enough to think it will turn out to be a disaster for Democrats though they’ll likely take a beating in the November Midterm elections. But remember, their game is long-term and they’ve taken far too much power and control at every level of government and society.
I hope I’m wrong, but in such politically chaotic and divisive times, we shouldn’t be surprised when an overwhelming majority of voters keep on voting for anyone with a “D” by their name because truth, morality, righteousness, and content of character are no longer priorities for elected or unelected leaders.
And that’s just one sad and sobering reality of American politics.
But Christians are also concerned the new Supreme Court Justice will further the O’Biden administration’s radical, heartless abortion agenda because Judge Jackson has a glaring pro-abortion record including her work with abortion activists on a case involving the suppressing of free speech of pro-life advocates.
Yes, you read that correctly. We might also read into the equation the very real possibility she does not respect the U.S. Constitution and would endorse censorship.
I often like to leave you with a few encouraging thoughts or things we can do about what’s happening. In this case, I just hope more people are learning a lesson and waking up. So I will close with powerful truths from the Bible about those who trust Jesus, have confessed their sins, and accepted His sacrifice.
“Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ… But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:1-2, 8
In these crazy times, cling to the Word, and know that He has not surrendered His throne.