As you may know, Democrat darling, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has become notorious for modeling hypocrisy. She recently took to Twitter to suggest people ditch their gas stoves. Stoves just like the one she owns.
The Biden administration was considering banning gas stoves over alleged health concerns and many Democrats jumped on board. The one-party media says Republicans are just trying to create a new culture war.
I have a theory. The left is being outrageous on purpose so the next radical idea they push receives less resistance because it’s not quite as ridiculous. This is a tactic they’ve used again and again to gain ground.
But is it a non-story? You tell me.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission had discussed stopping production of new gas appliances and encouraging people to discontinue using them. And naturally, it’s all under the guise of saving the environment. Over 40% of homes have gas stoves.
The commission could set standards on emissions from stoves, or even look to ban gas stove importing or manufacturing. They’re trying to make this about climate and health.
AOC tweeted:
Did you know that ongoing exposure to NO2 from gas stoves is linked to reduced cognitive performance?
She should know. She’s likely used a gas stove all her life. Ocasio-Cortez immediately endorsed the wild idea of doing away with gas stoves after a Bloomberg News reported that a ban was on the table.
Then, as the left often does, the Safety Commission quickly backtracked after the report came out, assuring Americans that if we liked our gas stoves, we could keep them.
Seriously, they sheepishly suggested a gas-stove-ban was not really being considered, though the commission still plans to hold a public comment period on the alleged dangers.
Senator Cory Booker wrote a letter to the agency last month calling the harmful emissions a “cumulative burden” on minorities. You heard that right.
New York’s Democrat governor Kathy Hochul gave an address Tuesday and announced a plan to eliminate gas heating and appliances from all construction projects by 2030. Another radical, Richard Trumka Jr. said gas stoves were creating “a hidden hazard.”
AOC told New Yorkers to watch for future tax credits/rebates for gas-free appliances. She said last year’s so-called Inflation Reduction Act “contains funding for a lot of different climate related rebates for people.”
These people have apparently thought this through.
But why haven’t we heard much about the importance of better ventilation to improve any potential negative health effects of indoor stoves? That would be common sense.
Karen Harbert, president of the American Gas Association argued against a ban:
“The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and EPA do not present gas ranges as a significant contributor to adverse air quality or health hazard in their technical or public information literature, guidance, or requirements.”
To the power-grabbing, money-grubbing progressives crying environmental disaster, if it’s not cows or coal or cars, it’s gas stoves or something else we use in everyday life.
Fear-monger, legislate, regulate, control.
The strategy of the left is to start with something absolutely outrageous, even demanding the impossible. Then down the road, they suggest something just a little less ridiculous and since it doesn’t seem as outlandish, there’s a bit more openness to hear them out.
You may have seen the photos on line of AOC, Elizabeth Warren, “doctor” Jill Biden, and Kamala Harris in their kitchens – all of them having gas stoves!
This reminds me of the billion-dollar debacle from ten years ago when the left was all about solar energy and such. Hillary Clinton, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and others didn’t have solar panels on their homes, but pushed it on the rest of us.
They were all-in on the $535 million loan given to solar energy company, Solyndra courtesy of American taxpayers. But what happened to the panels? They didn’t work. Solyndra and other Democrat-endorsed companies at the time went bankrupt.
I reported on the Obama/Biden green energy failures and the fact the liberal media looks the other way rather than hold Democrats accountable.
Sadly, people knew exactly what the left was doing and reelected them anyway.
While campaigning for reelection, Obama and Biden told people that if they were to win a second term, their administration would continue “investing” taxpayer dollars on green energy projects. They even went on record admitting “some of the businesses we encourage” with government loans “will fail” like Solyndra.
Nothing to see here, move along.
The liberal media narrative about a gas stove ban is laughable, suggesting that it’s a GOP plot to intensify the culture war. It’s as if they all get a memo from the White House and yet, too many citizens are hoodwinked by the tactics and the lies that cover them up.
This is what the left does. The problem is we fail to learn from history and end up repeating the cycle again and again. Keep an eye out for the next “gas stove” debate, because it won’t be about gas stoves. The issue is never the issue; the issue is the revolution.