The gender surrender agenda has become a well-oiled machine as it plows through major institutions in America. Since it was difficult to pick just one story to discuss this week, we’re going to look at these five jaw-dropping headlines.
- Seattle public schools offer free sex change services to students as young as 13 without telling parents
- Michigan Democrats pass a new bill that could make using wrong pronouns a felony resulting in prison time or a fine of $10,000.
- NIH Grants $3.3 Million for Boston Children’s Hospital to Promote Gender Transitions to Out-of-State Minors
- A Texas Biology Professor Claims He Was Fired For Teaching Sex Is Determined by Chromosomes X and Y
- A Federal Judge Orders Wisconsin School District to Let Trans-Identifying Student Use Girls’ Restroom
And the hits just keep on coming.
Let’s start on the west coast where the largest government school district in Washington is referring children to a few so-called health and wellness centers to receive free “gender-affirming care.” What could go wrong?
If you’re a middle or high school student in Seattle Public Schools, you can get hormone-blocking medications as well as referrals for “sex change” surgeries, and your parents don’t need to know. Washington does not require parental consent for various treatments on children including for STD’s and everything that falls under “gender-affirming care.”
Last year, The Post Millennial revealed that the district saw an astounding 853% increase in students identifying as “non-binary” in just three years.
In Michigan, HB 4474 was passed and according to reports, it could make it a felony to intimidate someone by intentionally using the wrong gender pronouns or causing them to feel threatened by words.
I’m not making this up. The bill specifically targets “disrespectful acts such as intentional misgendering.”
Offenders are “guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or by a fine of not more than $10,000.” The bill specifically addresses “sexual orientation” and “gender identity or expression” as protected classes.
The radical legislation is clearly unconstitutional, but when has that ever stopped the Left? If the Michigan Senate approves the bill, Governor Gretchen Whitmer will likely sign it.
Elections have consequences.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) under the Biden administration has given over $14 million of taxpayer funds for eight project grants specifically focusing on people who identify as transgender. Nearly $7 million ($6.9 million) of that is geared specifically for minors.
Last year Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) was exposed in a scandal when the public found out they were pushing and performing gender transition surgeries on children as young as 13.
The hospital raked in a $3.3 million dollar grant from the NIH to build a pro-transgender website and a training program targeting children in other states. The grant actually began in September of 2021 and will end on August 31 of this year.
In Texas, a Biology professor for the past 20 years says his lessons on chromosomes, human biology, and sex led to his dismissal. Dr. Johnson Varkey taught the same lessons for twenty years, facts about the human reproductive system and never had any issues – until he received a notice of dismissal.
Varkey inquired about any complaints, but HR at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas did not respond. Instead, he received a letter of termination and was told some of the complaints were offensive to the homosexuals and transgender.”
First Liberty is handling his case and insists the professor’s speech is not only backed by science and his religious beliefs but is protected under the First Amendment.
We were once a healthy society in which free speech was protected and people could voice their opinions, disagree with government, and have a respectful debate of ideas. Not anymore.
Finally, in Wisconsin, a leftist judge ruled a Milwaukee-area school district will be forced to allow male students to use the girls’ restroom and locker room if they claim, I mean, “identify” as female.
The Mukwonago Area School District can no longer enforce its recent policy that would have protected young girls and banned students from using bathrooms of the opposite sex. The mother of an 11-year-old boy who identifies as a girl filed the lawsuit on behalf of her son, and one judge’s decision now blocks the district from keeping him out of the girls’ bathroom.
Gender confusion has become a massive issue for concerned parents as we’ve seen outrage, disgust, and more families either removing their children from public schools or weighing in on bathroom policies at public school board meetings.
Back in March, I referred to this as the “most programmed generation” in history. As of last year, approximately 300,000 minors between 13 – 17 years-old identified as transgender. This is tragic.
The trans train has become an unstoppable locomotive and its steaming through our culture. Two of its primary purposes are population control and the subjugation of America.
Remember, the issue is never the issue. The issue is the revolution.