
      Alex Newman

      Public Schools Invest In Facial-Recognition Systems. But Who Has Access To The Data?

      Under the guise of “security,” government schools are squandering millions of taxpayer dollars to become even more like prisons. Aside from the high walls, the...

      Illinois Lawmakers Seek To Engulf K-12 Students in “LGBT History”

      Lawmakers in Illinois, apparently unashamed as their state implodes into insolvency, are working on a bill that would fix …. the supposed lack of enough...

      University Professors Join Forces to Kill 1st Amendment on Campus

      The far-left American Association of University Professors (AAUP), which styles itself the “leading organization primarily dedicated to protecting the academic freedom of professors,” has launched...

      Indiana Educators Could Face Felony For Exposing Kids To Obscene Sex-Ed

      Effective this month, Indiana parents have a powerful tool allowing them to “veto” the sexualization, perversion, confusion, and indoctrination of their children. Under a new...

      While Attacking Trump, Washington Post Defends Government Schools

      In a half-baked column that was apparently meant to be a defense of government schools, Washington (Com) Post “education” columnist Valerie Strauss wondered why non-government...

      University of Minnesota Considers Mandating “Preferred Pronouns”

      Policymakers at the radical left-wing nuthouse known as the University of Minnesota are considering a new policy that would force everyone — professors and students...

      Homeschooling in Communist China on the Rise Despite Ban

      Despite laws mandating a vigorous 9-year program of communist indoctrination for all children, a growing number of Chinese parents are risking the ire of their...

      New Mexico Threatens Homeschoolers Who Won’t Jump Through Hoops

      State education bureaucrats in New Mexico are under fire nationwide after demanding that homeschool families sign “illegal” declarations agreeing that their “permission” to educate their...

      Betsy DeVos Seeks European Education for America

      U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is pushing to transform America's government-education regime to more closely resemble the European (and Soviet) model — a glorified workforce-training...

      Study Proves LGBT Indoctrination at School is Working

      The number of American children identifying as lesbian, homosexual, bisexual, or confused is surging across the nation, according to a newly released study by the U.S....

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