
      David Fiorazo

      David Fiorazo is an author, public speaker, and radio personality. He has been involved in the broadcasting and entertainment industries for over thirty years, and in Christian ministry for over twenty five years. David considers himself a culture observer, he loves the Word of God, and strives to defend and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ without apology or compromise.

      Brandon Holthaus: Geopolitical & Spiritual Ramifications Of 2024 Election

      Brandon Holthaus of Rock Harbor Church talks about upcoming conferences that revolve around the future of Israel and hypotheticals about the upcoming election. He talks...

      Pete Garcia: Gaslighting We The People At An Unprecedented Level

      Pete Garcia is today’s guest from Topics of discussion includes manipulation of the masses through gaslighting and risk of losing security.

      Dr. Karladine Graves: Warning Concerned Christians, Americans About What’s Coming

      Dr. Karladine Graves leads a healthcare coalition with the objective to expose the fraud in the practice of medicine.

      Bill Federer: Silence Equals Consent – The Sin Of Omission

      Does silence equal consent? William Federer and David cover this question, as well as Mr. Federer’s latest book by the same name - ‘Silence Equals Consent.’

      Tim Moore: Our Responsibility In This Moment To Resist Unrelenting Evil

      Tim Moore is the Director & Senior Evangelist of Lamb & Lion Ministries.

      Doreen Virtue: Bible Apps And ‘Christian’ Meditation Apps To Avoid

      Doreen Virtue is a former New-Ager and author. She discusses how New-Age has infiltrated the Christian church through deceptive prayer apps, meditation, and trances.

      Garry Ingraham: Coming Out Of Cultural ‘Christianity’ & LGBT Identity

      Garry Ingraham and his wife founded Love & Truth Network in 2013. His newly released book ‘Am I Gay?’ covers the topic of identity confusion.

      Tom Hughes: Intolerance Of The Anti-Christian Left And Their Push For Power

      Pastor Tom Hughes is an author and Director of Hope for Our Times ministry. He and David talk about the upcoming election in November, and...

      John Loeffler: Kamala Harris, Revolutionary Radicals & Worldview Wars

      John Loeffler is a lifelong broadcast journalist. The topic of conversation today is the historical progression of the democratic party, intentional class division, and the sudden propping up of Kamala Harris.

      David Fiorazo: Personal Update, Media Are Enemies Of The People

      David shares a personal update with his life, and shares headlines regarding lawsuits against big pharma.

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