
      Katie Petrick

      Katie Petrick is a millennial, but do not ask her to use Snapchat or take a selfie. Yes, she will spend hours at the local coffee shop or working out, but she also participates in her local community and cares about the health of the America republic. Growing up in the farm fields of Wisconsin she values a hard day’s work. A devoted student of knowledge, Katie has earned baccalaureate degrees in political science, communication, and secondary education: broad field social science. While completing a master’s degree in political science at Northern Illinois University, Katie taught undergraduate courses in American government and political statistics. Her international experience includes a summer internship in the British Parliament and a study abroad trip to Greece. Before completing her education degree and joining FreedomProject, Katie served as editor of a weekly newspaper, gaining insight into local education and politics.

      English Teacher Tells Students If They Don’t Support LGBT They’re Probably Gay

      An English teacher in New Jersey just got busted, on a secret recording, telling students that people who don't approve of gay relationships are all...

      Middle School Teacher Says He Fantasizes About Students

      A middle school teacher in Connecticut is fired after undercover video reveals sexual comments being made about his students.{position:relative;width:100%;height:0;padding-top:56.25%;}>iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}

      Biden’s $400 Billion College Loan Forgiveness Declared Illegal

      A federal judge in Texas strikes a massive blow to Joe Biden's $400 billion dollar student loan forgiveness, declaring it illegal to forgive college debt...

      Climate Activism Has Quietly Become Top Priority In Classrooms Around The Country

      An astounding new video shows admission that 32 million teachers around the globe are being trained to make one-sided, pseudo-science climate fear a main focus...

      Father And Pastor Throws A Little Spiritual Fire At School For Dumbing Down Kids

      A father and pastor in North Carolina brings the wrath, as he lectures school board members on their failure to protect children from evil, while...

      Disturbing Video Shows School’s LGBTQ Safe Space Run By Transgender Teacher

      A transgender teacher in Maryland is fired after disturbing video surfaces from inside the LGBTQ safe space that the teacher controlled inside the school.{position:relative;width:100%;height:0;padding-top:56.25%;}>iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}

      Left Gaslights Americans, Demanding We All Forget The Last Two Years

      We start with the phrase forgive and forget, as COVID lockdown nuts, including the head of the second largest teachers union in the country, are...

      An End To Racist College Admissions Is Near

      The Supreme Court appears to be on the verge of ending racist and sexist college admissions practices, also known as “affirmative action,” that have kept...

      School Lawyer Says Parents Have No Say Over What Their Kids Are Taught

      Parents in New Jersey are stunned, after a school lawyer tells parents they have no rights when it comes to what their children are being...

      Public School Invites Drag Queen To Read To Six-Year-Olds

      A prominent Philadelphia K-8 school is set to host a Drag Queen Story Hour for six-year-olds, without ever asking for parent approval.{position:relative;width:100%;height:0;padding-top:56.25%;}>iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}

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