
      EDUCATED - Page 2

      Show Me The Money! Millions Of College Grads Not Paying Back Loans

      Here's a shocker: thanks to the Biden administration, nearly 19 million student loan borrowers haven't repaid a single penny of their college loans.

      Teacher Union President Goes Crazy, Demands Control Of Public Schools

      The head of the largest teachers union goes off the rails, screaming to members that they need all the power to control every school in America.

      Americans Reject Biden’s Mandate To Force Foster Parents To Promote LGBTQ

      Turns out the American people are not onboard with Biden's move to force parents to pledge their allegiance to the rainbow mafia in order to foster a child in need.

      Oklahoma Is Bringing The Bible Back To The Classroom

      Oklahoma pushes back against the woke Godless agenda by requiring the Bible to be taught in public school classrooms. But will it stand?

      10 Commandments Now Required In Southern State Schools

      Louisiana becomes the first state in the union to require that the Ten Commandments be displayed in every classroom. But leftists say rainbow flags...

      Trump Makes Shocking Statement About Public Schools

      Donald Trump makes a stunning pledge to families of what he'll do to woke schools first day in office if elected president again.

      New School Curriculum Teaches Kids How To ‘Win At Capitalism’

      A groundbreaking program in Pennsylvania is being used to revamp school curriculum to teach students how to "win at capitalism."{position:relative;width:100%;height:0;padding-top:56.25%;}>iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}

      Federal Court Tells School It’s OK To Punish Kids For Saying There Are Only 2 Genders

      A federal appeals court says a 12-year-old boy in Massachusetts does not have the right to simply wear a t-shirt to school that says...

      High School Senior Goes Viral After Going “Off-Script” During Graduation

      A Kentucky high schooler goes viral after praising Jesus during a graduation speech, and in turn, the school pulled his diploma for going off-script.

      Crossing Guard Arrested For Selling Marijuana To Kids

      A young Pennsylvania crossing guard is in the slammer after she was caught supplying kids with marijuana and e-cigarettes.