
      EDUCATED - Page 31

      Teachers Forced To Teach Leftist Agenda If They Want To Keep License

      Attention Minnesota teachers: if you want to keep your license and stay in the classroom, the state board will now be forcing you to...

      More Young People Are Ending Their Lives While Attending Public Schools

      A new study finds youth suicide levels drop substantially during the summer months, but once students return to school, the number of young people...

      East Coast Schools Bring Back MASKING … Because It’s The New Normal

      Boston and New Jersey schools are breaking in the new year by requiring students to once again wear masks. Why you ask? Well, it's...

      New University Reinvents Higher Education By Ditching Tenure & Lowering Tuition

      A new university plans to reinvent higher education by banning tenure, ditching doctorate requirements for faculty, and having low tuition, all of which keeps...

      Florida’s Governor Looks To Restore REAL College Education

      America's governor, Ron DeSantis, has been all-in on restoring great education in the Sunshine State, and now he's turning his focus to colleges by...

      Christian School Tells 7-Year-Olds To Send Pictures From The Tub

      A Christian school in Jacksonville, Florida, is in hot water without a ducky, after a second grade class was given homework to send pictures...

      Mom Dresses In Same Outfit Drag Performer Wore At School Assembly

      A mama bear in Ankeny, Iowa, decided to fight fire with fire by dressing in the same skimpy outfit a drag queen wore to...

      Wild Sex Ed Book Tells Kids To WATCH Their Parents

      This is wild. According to a kids’ sex education book being touted on Amazon, the best way to teach children about the birds and...

      Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Showcases What We’ve All Feared In The Classroom

      We start by featuring some absolutely infuriating clips showing the president of the largest and most powerful teachers union in the country brainwashing the...

      After School Satan Clubs Growing In Schools Nationwide

      Who would have thought “After School Satan Clubs” would be the next big battle for parents across the country? The Satanic Temple says its mission...