
      Worldview Matters - Page 16

      Sheri Few: U.S. Parents Exposing Lies In Public Education

      Sheri Few is the President of U.S. Parents Involved in Education. She exposes a lot of the dysfunction within the...

      Mondo Gonzales: Red Heifers, Temples, Eclipses & Prophecy Watchers

      Mondo Gonzales has a master’s degree in Archaeology, Languages and majored in Jewish studies. Mondo has...

      Paul Blair: Liberty Pastors And Christian Visibility On Election Day

      Pastor and former NFL player Paul Blair calls for the need of discipleship and getting pastors...

      Olivier Melnick: Loving Our Jewish Neighbors As History Repeats Itself

      Olivier Melnick shares his family’s history of death and separation during The Holocaust and warns that history is repeating itself.

      Russ Miller: Last Days Deceptions, Signs & False Christs

      Russ Miller talks about biblical denial and the different versions of Christs that are believed today.

      Sean McDowell: Equipping The Saints To Reach A Confused Generation

      Sean McDowell is the guest today on Worldview Matters. Sean has authored many books, including co-authoring books with his dad, Josh McDowell. Sean and...

      Bill Federer: Psychological Projection In The Battle For America

      Bill Federer reveals many tactics, such as projection, similar to ‘1984’s’ doublethink, that is used in...

      Greg Gutierrez: ‘Realigned By God’ After Being On Life Support

      Greg Gutierrez shares his story about being put on life support from COVID and...

      Hugh Ross: How God Reveals Himself In Scripture And Nature

      Hugh Ross is the Founder and Senior Scholar of Reasons to Believe. Hugh has authored numerous books...

      Britt Gillette: Bankers & Governments Lying About Coming Financial Crisis

      Britt Gillette exposes the banking system’s ‘transparency’ and the government’s ulterior motives for...