
      One Nation - Page 4

      Leftism’s WAR on Conservatism

      Dr. Jake Jacobs discusses the growing militancy of Leftism vs. Conservative ideas and actions.

      Jew Hate Gone Wild In America!

      Dr. Jake Jacobs explains Passover & the explosion of Jew hate in America & across the world.

      Biden, Baby Jesus & World War III

      Dr. Jake Jacobs exposes the disastrous Foreign Policy of Joe Biden

      Salvation Is Of The Jews

      Dr. Jake Jacobs exposes the growing Jew/America hate across the World

      Escaping Communism & Supporting Trump

      Dr. Jake Jacobs interviews Jorge Rivas from El Salvador.

      My Country, Tis of Thee?

      Dr. Jake Jacobs shares is concerns over the death of our Republic

      Chaos & Crisis At The Biden Border

      Dr. Jake Jacobs exposes the Globalist Agenda of the Democrats,WEF, EU & UN

      American Lasters & Biden’s State of Chaos

      Dr. Jake Jacobs explains the Globalist-Democrat agenda of American Last.

      Democrats Use Illegal Aliens To Expand Power & Control

      Dr. Jake Jacobs explains the unconstitutional & illegal actions of the Biden administration.

      The Perpetual War To Destroy President Trump

      Dr. Jake Jacobs discusses the never-ending Democrat onslaught on Donald Trump.