
      Dr. Duke Pesta

      Dr. Duke Pesta is the Director of FreedomProject Academy, host of the Dr. Duke Show podcast, and a tenured professor of English at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Dr. Pesta received his M.A. in Renaissance literature from John Carroll University and his PhD in Shakespeare and Renaissance literature from Purdue University. He has taught at major research institutions and small liberal arts colleges on a wide variety of subjects at the graduate and undergraduate levels, including courses on Shakespeare, Renaissance literature, the Bible, Russian literature, Christian Apologetics, and C.S. Lewis. His book, The Renaissance and the Postmodern: A Study in Comparative Critical Values, was published by Routledge in 2016. He has published scholarly essays on Renaissance Literature, American Literature, Shakespeare, Spenser, Byron, Michelangelo, and the History of Medicine, Surgery, and Anatomy. His teaching has garnered seven teaching awards at four universities.

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