If you think government and Hollywood propaganda is bad now, get ready, because we may soon be seeing what some are calling “climate lockdowns.” I interviewed author, journalist and publisher of Climate Depot, Marc Morano on Tuesday, and he pointed out some eye-opening developments you won’t hear in the news and that we better be aware of.
He said now that we have the lockdown model and have allowed freedom to be restricted, don’t expect the left to give it up. Will America continue to comply?
Climate activists are saying we need to follow the lockdown model created to control us. They say if we can shut down the country for a virus we can shut down for climate change, which they refer to as an “existential threat” to humanity, and especially to America.
If AOC, John Kerry, Greta Thunberg, and the UN get their way, we’ll be seeing a new lockdown to “save the climate.” Marc Morano also said the radical left Senate Majority leader, Chuck Schumer is urging Biden to declare a national climate emergency. Why? Just like a blue-state governor, Biden would then use emergency powers.
Here’s some of what Marc Morano said last month to Tucker Carlson on Fox News:
That’s what we’re seeing. There are even academics in Australia proposing adding climate change to death certificates. And Bill Gates has said the death toll will be greater, so they’re following every step of the way.
“…We have a major UK report that came out; we have an International Energy Agency report… calling for essentially the same type of lockdowns – everything from restrictions on your thermostat to restrictions on moving. You can only fly in a climate emergency when it’s ‘morally justifiable.'”
“…They’re going after freedom of movement; they’re going after private car ownership, they’re going after everything it means to be a free person and turning it over to the administrative state.”
Alarming? It should be! Marc Morano went on to explain that over in the UK they’ve proposed CO2 ration cards that the government or employers would use to monitor your CO2 levels, your energy use. This has been proposed by a German climate advisor.
Not surprisingly, some at the World Health Organization are now recommending these climate lockdowns. Enforced by government. To save the planet.
Of course, Joe Biden Democrats want to pass their radical agenda, the Green New Deal, and if that happens, our freedoms and way of life may end up in the history books.
First, there’s no “climate consensus” or science supporting their grandiose global plans, and we are not facing a man-made climate disaster. Most reasonable people understand that “climate change” is the perfect Trojan horse for the left’s global socialist agenda.
Check out the book, Green Fraud,” by Marc Morano for much more because what most people also know is the Green New Deal is on a collision course with self-government and our fundamental rights.
Along with all the climate propaganda and virtue signaling, prepare for more Democrat double standards. Just last weekend, Bill Gates and other world billionaire elites flew their private jets to a resort in Sun Valley, Idaho to discuss their plans. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Gates, and other globalists attended and Warren Buffet gave a closing speech.
If you don’t think the left would manufacture a crisis to push climate lockdowns and further their agenda, then check out the Great Reset, vax passports, communist policy, big tech tyranny, government going door to door or the true science on climate and viruses.
Many of the same schools that teach kinds that climate change is a threat to the world are now offering vaccines to children as young as kindergarten – and some without parental consent. This is all ‘for the greater good,’ they say.
Why are the important concepts of freedom and limited government so hard for the left to follow or understand? Friends, hold the line and stay strong in the fight.