
      Why Do They Hate the Cross if the Bible Isn’t True?

      Why do people tear down crosses if the Bible isn’t true? Why fight to remove Christian symbols across the country if people weren’t threatened by them?

      In California, intolerant leftists finally tore down a 28-foot tall cross that stood for more than fifty years in a small town.

      They attack, cancel, censor, and suppress because they hate us, all because they hate what the cross of Jesus Christ represents. 

      Another legal battle is underway, this time in Albany Hill, CA, just outside of San Francisco over a cross and religious freedom. Okay, so it’s California. Bear with me.

      A very small group of Christians in an overwhelmingly anti-Christian city in one of the top three demonic strongholds in the nation are fighting to put the cross back up after it was removed last month. 

      The cross has lived on a hill overlooking California’s East Bay since 1970. The Lions Club was granted an easement a few years later and the land was turned into a public park where the cross was built. 

      The metal and plexiglass cross has been illuminated for Christmas and Easter, but  in 2015 a group called East Bay Atheists demanded it be taken down claiming the display was against the Constitution.

      Two years later in 2017, Mayor Peggy McQuaid, Albany’s liberal mayor at the time criticized the Lions Club and declared: 

      “I want to reiterate that neither the City Council nor the City of Albany endorses in any way the lighting of the cross for any occasion, religious or nationalistic, or supports its continued presence on public property,”

      The next year (2018) an activist judge ruled the cross violated the Establishment Clause and the city “was forced to either sell to a private party the small plot of ground where the cross rested or acquire the easement through eminent domain…:

      Just last year, the city council voted and passed a resolution to acquire the small plot of land and deny the Lions Club who offered to purchase it. The cross was quietly removed and taken off the property on June 8, 2022. 

      The new Mayor of Albany, Aaron Tiedemann implied the cross and what it standw for is against the values of the people there. He stated:

      “The city has actually put its money where its mouth is, and our city looks a little bit more accepting now in a way that we think is consistent with our values; “For the small local group of people that really want to see the cross stay, when you’ve had such privilege for so long, losing it feels like being oppressed. That’s going to be an adjustment for folks, but I think we will all get used to it, and I think it’s a real benefit.”

      The California town is accepting by rejecting the faith of a majority of Americans? That’s right, this is near San Francisco. 

      Also, did he play the “privilege” card? White Christian American heterosexual privilege. Got it.

      Also, notice he predicted people will just get used to the cross being gone. This is sadly true in our history when we consider the removal of the Bible, God, prayer, and even the Ten Commandments from government schools and property as well as the public square.

      Lions Club President Kevin Pope recognized the fact the liberal leaders there want to eradicate any remembrance of the Christian faith from the public square. The same thing has happened across the country in recent decades as hatred of the Bible, God, and His followers has become common.

      Commenting on the removal of the cross, Pope states:

      “The City Council seems to hate what it represents, and rather than take an amount of money for the land and sell it to the Lions Club, they’ve decided to spend what we think is probably close to $1 million to resolve this issue, instead of doing the easy thing… “That’s how much they hate it.”

      He believes a lot of people supported the cross in question and the Lions club is appealing the decision. Pope argued that “a lot of people go up there and pray and have church services.”

      To some refer, it was sacred ground and the bullies exposed “their intolerance toward Christian values.” It’s as if they want to ‘cancel’ Christianity. Someone should write a book about that. 

      1 Corinthians 1:18 states:

      For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

      The bench trial began last Tuesday and will determine whether the city must give the cross back to the group or if the Lions Club will receive a settlement from the city for its removal. This is another example of how much ground the left has taken.

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