FORT COLLINS, Colorado — Children across the country are being recruited into transgenderism and the “LGBT” movement by trained operatives in government schools at an alarming rate, but one family victimized by the effort is fighting back hard. Erin Lee, the mother, is on a mission to protect other little girls from the horrors that her family endured.
Using a powerful new documentary that blows the lid off the scandal, the Lee family is sharing the story of what happened to their daughter at age 12. She was asked to stay for “Art Club.” But it was not really art club. It was actually a Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) club run by a woman who specialized in confusing children about their gender.
During the “Art Club” session, child victims were told that if they did not feel comfortable in their own bodies, that might mean they are “transgender.” The children were also told that their parents may not be “safe” and might not be willing to “affirm” their new gender identities. As such, the minors encouraged to lie to parents.
Thankfully for all involved, the 12-year-old girl knew better, and promptly informed her parents about what happened. They immediately pulled her from the school. And that decision prompted district officials, supposedly concerned that the parents would not be “affirming,” to plot a visit to do a “wellness check” on the daughter by Child Protective Services (CPS).
Throughout the new documentary, the Lee parents share the harrowing story of how they learned about what had happened to their daughter and how difficult it was to navigate the ordeal. At the premier, held at a packed out church in Fort Collins, more than a few attendees shed tears. Experts in various fields including counseling, law, and more chime in throughout the film as well.
Produced and directed by retired Colorado Senator Kevin Lundberg, the film features a powerful lineup of experts including former Alliance Defending Freedom chief Michael Farris, Wallbuilders founder David Barton, former President of the American College of Pediatricians Dr. Quentin VanMeter, Director Dr. Jennifer Bauwens of the Center for Family Studies at the Family Research Council, this writer, and more.
The film also shares the story of another mother, licensed mental health professional January Littlejohn, whose daughter underwent a similar experience at a government school in Florida. In her case, school officials began socially transitioning her daughter at school, and deliberately kept the parents out of the decision-making process.
Watch the documentary for free here:
The family’s story, which made headlines nationwide, sent shockwaves across northern and beyond. But after backing off slightly, the district doubled down, being exposed the next year bringing in a self-proclaimed “shape-shifting gender-queer blood witch” to indoctrinate teachers, staff, and students with LGBT propaganda. Almost half of the children in the area now identify as LGBT, according to the district.
Similar horrors are happening nationwide. As The Newman Report documented in 2020 in an explosive story that went viral nationwide, California teacher Lisa Avery of Rosemont Middle School was caught on camera bragging about how she recruits the most emotionally unstable children she can find to lead GSA clubs.
“So who are your students? How are you going to find them?” Avery asked about finding leaders to start the clubs. “Um, first of all, our leaders were unreliable. Remember, we had poached them from the counseling office. Right? They were not the most emotionally stable students on campus. Actually, they were the least emotionally stable students on campus.”

Confusing children about gender and sexuality, encouraging castration and surgical mutilation, and recruiting minors into this diabolical movement is a monstrous crime against children, their families, and society. It is time for government at all levels to hold the perpetrators of these atrocities accountable. And it is past time for more parents to do what the Lee family did: Protect their precious children.