
      Alex Newman

      Feds Training “Social Justice” Math Teachers

      The federal government is squandering over $1 million for a program to push “social justice” indoctrination on high-school math teachers and students, according to media reports based...

      Public Schools Giving Children Access to Hardcore Porn

      Thousands of government schools across America are giving children direct access to hard-core pornographic images and content through a third-party vendor, sparking outrage among parents....

      DeVos Signs on to Globalist UN Education Agenda for U.S.

      U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos signed on to a radical global “declaration” that calls for, among other absurdities, brainwashing children to believe in the United...

      Feds Fund University Study on “Gender Microaggressions”

      Despite carrying more than $20 trillion in debt and some $200 trillion in unfunded liabilities, the federal government has decided that spending more of your...

      DeVos “Strong Arms” Utah to Enforce Test Taking

      U.S. Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, who has been  ordered by President Donald Trump to get the feds out of education decisions that should be made at the state...

      School Assignment: Choose Who Dies Based on Race & Gender

      An outrageous assignment for middle schoolers at a government school in Ohio urged them to choose who lives and who dies based on their race,...

      Socialists Urge Infiltration of Government Schools

      America's most prominent socialist organization is urging socialists to infiltrate government schools so they can brainwash impressionable young children, sparking national alarm over the totalitarian...

      Professor Demands Easily “Triggered” Students Drop Class

      In this age of “trigger warnings” and “micro-agressions” on unhinged college campuses, one academic has had enough. English Professor Dr. James “Duke” Pesta at the...

      Feds: Oregon Boys and Girls Must Shower Together at School

      Little boys and little girls across the state of Oregon will now be forced to shower, change clothes, and even use the toilet in the...

      Atlanta School Ends Morning Pledge of Allegiance to be “Inclusive”

      A tax-funded school in Atlanta, Georgia, announced that students would no longer recite the Pledge of Allegiance each morning. Instead, the school said students would...

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