
      David Fiorazo

      David Fiorazo is an author, public speaker, and radio personality. He has been involved in the broadcasting and entertainment industries for over thirty years, and in Christian ministry for over twenty five years. David considers himself a culture observer, he loves the Word of God, and strives to defend and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ without apology or compromise.

      Resistance Growing over the Marxist LGBTQ Revolution?

      Some apparently contradictory headlines have been in the news lately and it’s important to break this down and try and make sense of what’s happening...

      Julaine Appling: The Crucial Challenge To ‘Get Out The Vote’

      Julaine Appling is the President Emeritus for the Wisconsin Family Council. She joins Worldview Matters to discuss upcoming...

      John Loeffler: Collapsing Narratives On Climate, Gaza, Immigration

      John Loeffler has been a broadcast journalist for 50 years. Today’s topics include media deception, Israel, and climate change.

      Alex McFarland: Church Decline Leading America’s Decline

      Alex McFarland is a Christian apologist, author, and evangelist.

      Doreen Virtue, Jenn Nizza, Jac Marino Chen: New Age To New Heart

      Doreen Virtue, Jenn Nizza, Jac Marino Chen all talk with David about their podcast 'New Age to New Heart,' and about how they left...

      Shea Houdmann: Biblical Response To Lies About ‘Christian Nationalism’ Narrative

      Shea Houdmann is the Founder and President of, a resource for Christians about any topic that users suggest.

      Jim Fletcher: He Gets Us, The Church Decline, & End Of The World

      Jim Fletcher and David Fiorazo discuss how the biblical worldview of churches are shifting to hold people’s attention by using...

      Nathan Jones: America Is In A ‘Freefall,’ But Prophecy Provides Hope

      Nathan Jones is an Internet Evangelist for Lamb & Lion Ministries.

      Scott Lively: ‘Dynasty Of Darkness,’ Thrones Of Satan & His Antichrists

      Dr. Scott Lively discusses Volume 1 of his new book 'Dynasty of Darkness.'

      Curtis Bowers: Marx Madness & Communist ‘Agenda’ In America

      Curtis Bowers is the producer “AGENDA: Grinding America Down“ and “AGENDA 2: Masters of Deceit“ and also gives frequent updates on his website “AGENDA WEEKLY.”{position:relative;width:100%;height:0;padding-top:56.25%;}>iframe{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;}

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