
      The Newman Report - Page 40

      University Fires Scientist After Dinosaur Discovery Challenges Evolution

      In what looks to have been a ham-handed plot to destroy a Christian scientist who published explosive evidence contradicting the evolution theory, a government...

      33% of Baltimore Schools Have NO Students Proficient in Math

      Despite some of the highest spending per pupil in America, more than a dozen government high-schools in Baltimore, Maryland, have failed to produce even...

      Schools Ban Textbooks That Don’t Promote LGBT

      Government K-8 schools in California recently became the first in America to start demanding pro-homosexual and transgender propaganda in history textbooks, sparking celebrations among...

      Christian Teacher Suspended for ‘Misgendering’ Student

      If a teacher refused to pretend that an anorexic or bulimic student was obese, virtually everybody would recognize that as the right thing to...

      Lawmakers Demand Permanent Data Files on Children

      Under the guise of “education” and “transparency,” congressional leaders and their cronies are plotting to create a totalitarian-style federal data regime that would ultimately...

      Catholic Schools Threatened to Push LGBT Agenda

      Recent developments in Canada highlight the extreme danger of allowing government to get involved in the funding of private schools. In short, taxpayer-funded Catholic...

      ‘Friendly Robot’ Being Built To Track Children’s “Mental Health”

      It sounds like a creepy science-fiction movie about a future dystopia, but it is very real and it is happening now. The federal government...

      School Teaches 11-Year-Olds About Transsexual Surgery

      A government school in Cambridge, New York, has sparked a firestorm after giving young children documents that included, among other outrages, information on “sex...

      School Ignores Parents, Gives 11-year olds “LGBT” Work

      Students as young as 11-years old in a suburb of Atlanta were forced to complete “homework” and a “quiz” dealing with “sexual orientation” and...

      After Common Core, Bill Gates Launches New Education Plan

      After helping to further centralize and dumb down government education with Common Core standards, billionaire globalist Bill Gates has another “education” plan to meddle...