
      The Newman Report - Page 39

      Teacher Warns Students Not to Mention God in Class

      A first grade government-school teacher in Indiana sparked outrage after sending a note to children's parents demanding they stop talking about God, Jesus, and...

      UN Showcases Lessons to Brainwash Children

      The United Nations, often ridiculed as the dictators club, has just released lessons to help indoctrinate people around the world into accepting the UN's...

      Students Forced to “Apologize” for Being White & Christian

      Amid a public uproar at a North Carolina school board meeting over far-left “equity training” for government-school teachers, allegations were made by furious parents that a...

      UN Education Agency Slammed as Immoral & Anti-Semitic

      The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, more commonly known as UNESCO, is under fire for immorality and anti-Semitism. But in reality, that...

      Student Psychological Profiling in Public Schools

      With the proliferation of federal meddling and control over government schools, there has been an explosion in “psychological profiling” and manipulation of children. In...

      UN Boss Urges Schools to Promote Wealth Redistribution & Control

      In an interview with an arm of the official United Nations propaganda machine, UN General Assembly President Peter Thomson said he is working with...

      Homeschoolers Save Taxpayers $22 Billion Per Year

      Taxpayers across America, struggling under the burden of crushing local property taxes in addition to state and federal taxes, should thank a homeschooling family...

      New Campaign Seeks to End Abusive Every Student Succeeds Act

      A new initiative to stop what campaigners call “child abuse in the classroom” is officially underway. Specifically, the parents and activists are taking aim...

      Planned Parenthood: Assume Your Child May Be LGBT

      Tax-funded abortion and lobbying behemoth Planned Parenthood, which butchers hundreds of thousands of unborn children each year, has a message for parents: Assume your child...

      NY Times Attacks Critics of Government Schools

      The establishment's leading propaganda mouthpiece, the New York Times, showed once again why so many Americans have been delighted to hear Donald Trump ridicule their...